Avistamiento en Mijas

Valoración: Avispón Oriental
Lugar: Mijas (Málaga)
Fecha: Jueves, 19 de Septiembre de 2024
Tipo: Avispa

Usuario: Visitante929230
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Asian Hornet Mijas Pueblo 18 Sep 2024 Many in air passage in roof of house What should I do?
Valorada por Discoelius como Avispón Oriental el Jueves, 19 de Septiembre de 2024
Últimos días

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
19/09/2024 18:01
This is an Oriental Hornet (Vespa orientalis). If it's just a single specimen, there's no need to worry, but I'm afraid you're likely to spot more of them, as this hornet's very fond of nesting inside buildings. The existence of a nest will be given away by some level of "traffic", i.e. hornets going in and out of a hole. Nests are obviously dangerous, so do not attempt to deal with it yourself, and if/when indeed you're certain to have found a nest you'll have to contact a pest removal company (some of the Málaga ones have by now had a lot of experience with this hornet's nests), because the authorities don't intervene when nests are in private property.

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
19/09/2024 21:51
I realise now that I didn't read the whole of your introductory comment... So, you've got quite a few hornets using the air passage, actually, which means the nest has to be somewhre under the roof.

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