Avistamiento en Marbella

Valoración: Avispón Oriental
Lugar: Marbella (Málaga)
Fecha: Sábado, 04 de Noviembre de 2023
Tipo: Avispa

Usuario: Visitante714110
Foto de Avispa

Interpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
Interpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
Found it on a glass curtain facing north 0830 20231104
Valorada por Discoelius como Avispón Oriental el Sábado, 04 de Noviembre de 2023

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
04/11/2023 12:08
Thanks for uploading the photograph. This is an “orientalis” hornet (Vespa orientalis). The two yellow bands near the tail, the reddish ground colour and a few other things make it unique and separate it from other invasive hornets like the largely black yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) that is now widespread in the far north of Spain and several other West European countries. V. orientalis arrived in Spain a few years ago aboard an unknown ship and is now abundant in the provinces of Cádiz and Málaga. As with other social wasps/hornets, there’s very little risk of getting stung by it unless someone gets too close to a nest (they mount a formidable defence and the trespasser will end up with multiple stings). Nests are usually underground or in buildings and other structures (under roofs, in hollow walls, in disused chimneys, etc.). In any case, your specimen is a male (the ibex-like “horns” are a giveaway) and therefore is harmless, as males don’t have a sting.

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