Avistamiento en Mijas

Valoración: Avispón Oriental
Lugar: Mijas (Málaga)
Fecha: Martes, 03 de Octubre de 2023
Tipo: Avispa

Usuario: Visitante431030
Foto de Avispa

Interpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
Interpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
Mainly dark body, with a yellow strip in the tail
Valorada por Discoelius como Avispón Oriental el Martes, 03 de Octubre de 2023

Avistamiento subido por este usuario

03/10/2023 19:31
Hi I had a problem with the map, the location was Urb Peña Blanquilla 29650 Mikasa

Avistamiento subido por este usuario

03/10/2023 19:32
sorry Mijas 29650


03/10/2023 20:47
Thanks for uploading the photograph. This is the "Oriental Hornet", Vespa orientalis. There are actually _two_ stripes/yellow bands in the tail, not just one (the double band, plus the reddish ground colour and a few other things separate it from the other invasive hornet, the Yellow-legged Hornet, Vespa velutina, which is now widespread in the far north of Spain and several other West European countries). V. orientalis arrived in Spain a few years ago and it's now abundant in the provinces of Cádiz and Málaga; it's also appeared in a few localities in Jaén, Córdoba and Seville, and also occurs in the city of Valencia. As with other social wasps/hornets, there’s very little risk of getting stung by it unless someone gets uncomfortably close to a nest (they mount a formidable defence and the trespasser will end up with multiple stings). Nests are usually underground or in buildings and other structures (under roofs, in hollow walls, in disused chimneys, etc.).

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
03/10/2023 20:49
Corregiremos el mapa, que refleja por defecto la capital de la provincia en lugar de Mijas. // We'll correct the map, which by default shows Málaga itself instead of Mijas.

Programador y Solucionador de ProblemasCreador de la webModerador
01/11/2023 10:29
Corregida la posición del mapa.

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