Avistamiento en Mijas

Valoración: Especie Autóctona
Lugar: Mijas (Málaga)
Fecha: Domingo, 10 de Septiembre de 2023
Tipo: Avispa

Usuario: Visitante1145319
Foto de Avispa

Interpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
Interpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
We have killed about 6 usually in pairs come into the house
Valorada por Discoelius como Especie Autóctona el Domingo, 10 de Septiembre de 2023

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
10/09/2023 22:17
It’s a European hornet (Vespa crabro), a native species that occurs in many parts of Iberia and can become particularly visible in September and October, when its colonies reach their maximum size. This hornet is peculiar in that it remains active well after dusk; when it’s dark the workers are blinded by the lights of buildings: they become disoriented and are unable to leave the vicinity of the lights until they’re switched off (but often die there before dawn). European hornets are usually mild-tempered, and they won’t sting unless they or their nests come under attack. As a predator, this species is an important piece of the ecological puzzle, immensely useful as a controller of potential pests, and should be respected (some countries have recognised its importance and declared it a protected species). Nests are usually in hollow trees or in unused buildings.

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
10/09/2023 22:18
The map shows, by default, Malaga town instead of Mijas: we'll put that right.

Puedes consultar más información sobre avispas exóticas invasoras en España

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