Avistamiento en Blanes

Valoración: Vespa velutina
Lugar: Blanes (Girona)
Fecha: Domingo, 23 de Julio de 2023
Tipo: Avispa

Usuario: Visitante708548
Foto de Avispa

Interpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
Interpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
traducción del holandés: la avispa vino 3 veces a beber agua de un charco a la sombra de un árbol cerca de la piscina de los apartamentos Europa, voló tranquilamente. vi el avispón a las 11:55 el domingo.
Valorada por Discoelius como Vespa velutina el Domingo, 23 de Julio de 2023

Avistamiento subido por este usuario

23/07/2023 12:06
el avispón viene cada pocos minutos a beber, la dirección Carrer de Lluís Company s,

Avistamiento subido por este usuario

23/07/2023 12:08
Time not 23:55 but right time 11:55.

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
23/07/2023 13:25
Thanks for posting the photograph. It’s a female Asian hornet (Vespa velutina), and as we’re in the summer this must be a worker. The presence of an isolated specimen doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a nest around (the workers can go far from their nests when looking for food), but if this specimen was taking water then its nest may indeed be nearby. This hornet prefers tall treetops for its nests, but it can nest practically anywhere (eaves, windows, balconies, earth banks, construction cranes...). Tree nests are very hard to spot because they’re hidden by the foliage, and nests at other locations are usually high as well and may be difficult to see from below: often the only hint of their presence is the “traffic” of hornets in the vicinity of the entrance. Isolated hornets don’t usually sting without provocation, and attacks on people usually only happen at the nest, because they defend their nests vigorously and in large groups. Vespa velutina is now widespread in most of Catalonia

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