Avistamiento en Riogordo

Valoración: Avispón Oriental
Lugar: Riogordo (Málaga)
Fecha: Viernes, 01 de Noviembre de 2024
Tipo: Avispa

Usuario: Visitante431076
Foto de Avispa

Interpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
Interpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de AvistamientosInterpretacion Mapa de Avistamientos
En el jardin aporximadamente a las 16.30 horas 11.01.24
Valorada por Discoelius como Avispón Oriental el Viernes, 01 de Noviembre de 2024

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
01/11/2024 20:32
Thanks for uploading the photo, and Riogordo is a new locality, one the Oriental Hornet hadn't been reported from yet. It's not surprising, though, because this hornet has been pushing northwards this year, once most of the coast has been "conquered". In about 6 years it's invaded most of Malaga province, most of Cádiz province and a big chunk of Sevilla province, and it's reached some towns in at least 4 of the other provinces of Andalucía, plus other areas.

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
01/11/2024 20:37
This hornet is no more dangerous than other hornets or wasps, and it's hazardous only for people allergic to wasp/bee venom and for anyone unlucky enough to disturb one of their nests, as they defend their nests in droves. The hornet season is now nearing its end, and in a few days there'll be just a few hornets around, with most of them dead and their nests empty; only mated queens will survive, hiding somewhere nice and warm and reappearing in some months' time to fund next year's nests.

Avistamiento subido por este usuario

02/11/2024 12:54
Thanks for your informative reply. Do I need to inform my municipal town hall (Ayuntamiento) of the sighting ?

Validador de avistamientosExperto Entomólogo
02/11/2024 14:06
Not unless you detect the exact location of a nest; but, then, municipal authorities tend to intervene only if a nest is in public grounds and leave private properties to pest removal companies. Oriental Hornet nests are usually in the ground or in a building, so they're very often invisible from the outside, and only the "traffic" of hornets going in and out of a hole or crack gives away the presence of their nest.


02/11/2024 18:42

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