Avistamiento subido por este usuario
30/09/2024 13:50
The map doesnt work, this are the coordinats;
Avistamiento subido por este usuario
30/09/2024 13:51
36,3409057, -6,0887110 El Colorado, Diseminado Barrio Nuevo, 35, 11149 Barrio Nuevo, Cádiz, Spain
30/09/2024 22:15
Thanks for uploading the picture, and sorry about the map, which as you say is not working. This is an Oriental Hornet, an insect that arrived in Cádiz province some 6 years ago and has been invading Andalucía since then. It now occurs in 7 of the region's 8 provinces, and in both Cádiz and Málaga is locally abundant. It's no more dangerous for people than the native hornet (Vespa crabro), but it's a considerable pest for bee keepers.
30/09/2024 22:21
These hornets need water to keep adding cells to their nests, and can fly long distances to get it, so the presence of those three hornets in your pool doesn't mean there's a nest nearby. Nests are usually either under the ground or in buildings (for example inside chimneys or in parts where people don't go often, like attics). The nets can be fairly big (with up to around 400 hornets), so they're not to be messed with, and if you find one you and want it eliminated you'll need to contact a pest removal company.
30/09/2024 22:22
"... The ne_s_ts can be fairly big..."